Cuentos y Diversión: Spanish Storytime for Little Learners

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Program Type:


Age Group:

Birth to Preschool
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Program Description

Event Details

Introduce young children to the beauty of the Spanish language with Cuentos y Diversión! This engaging storytime program is designed for kindergartners and combines interactive storytelling, catchy songs, and fun activities. Children will explore colorful tales from Spanish-speaking cultures while building early literacy skills, learning basic Spanish words and phrases, and fostering a love of reading. No prior knowledge of Spanish is needed—just curiosity and enthusiasm!

  • Spanish and bilingual storybooks
  • Sing-alongs and movement-based activities
  • Hands-on crafts or games inspired by the stories

Join us for a lively and enriching cultural experience perfect for little learners!

Presente a los niños pequeños la belleza del idioma español con Cuentos y Diversión! Este atractivo programa de cuentos está diseñado para niños de jardín de infantes y combina narraciones interactivas, canciones pegadizas y actividades divertidas. Los niños explorarán cuentos coloridos de culturas de habla hispana mientras desarrollan habilidades de alfabetización temprana, aprenden palabras y frases básicas en español y fomentan el amor por la lectura. ¡No se necesitan conocimientos previos de español, solo curiosidad y entusiasmo!

  • Libros de cuentos en español y bilingües
  • Actividades para cantar y basadas en el movimiento
  • Manualidades o juegos prácticos inspirados en los cuentos

¡Únase a nosotros para disfrutar de una experiencia cultural animada y enriquecedora, perfecta para los más pequeños!



Special services like sign language interpretation and assistive listening can be provided at events to patrons upon request. Please give at least up to five business days notice to library staff in order to schedule services at events. Call 239-479-4636 or stop by the reference desk at your local library.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.