College Financial Aid Planning

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Brief Description of Event

The annual college application mania is about to begin and the financial aid applications can be started as early as October 1st...but
Do you know how to examine each school's endowment fund to "pick" a generous university?
Do you know how to reasonably estimate the amount of financial aid colleges may offer?
Do you know the importance of sorting out household income and assets before filling out the forms?
Do you know how to properly fill out the FAFSA and CSS forms?
Do you know the significance of appeal when applying for financial aid?

Special Guest Speaker: Ms. Li Ding
Ms. Ding specializes in “accurately grasping the characteristics of various financial investment vehicles, and tailoring financial planning for each family and business”. She applies 20 years of optimization experience in family financial planning, she analyzes retirement and long term care planning from a unique perspective.