"African American Roots of Southern Cooking" presented by the Friends of the Fort Myers Library

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Brief Description of Event

African American foodways can be traced back to Africa along the stretches of Olduval Gorge, from which man had his common origin, and where he prepared his first meal. In this presentation, participants will follow the journey of foods from the African village, on the Middle Passage, into the cabins of the enslaved, and the kitchens of the Big House to become the basis for Southern cooking and American foodways.

Martha R. Bireda, Ph.D. is a true “Grits”, girl raised in the sun. She is a fifth generation Floridian and a descendant of one of the founding families of Punta Gorda.

To register for this free and tasty program:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/african-american-roots-of-southern-cooking-tickets-83055779071