Youth Commission of Lee County Teen Meeting

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Brief Description of Event

The Youth Services Coalition of SWFL (YSC) is made up of almost 300 youth-based non-profit organizations and agencies. We act as a resource contact point for youth and families in the community. Our motto, "Empowering Our Youth Today for a Better Tomorrow" embodies the youth group we created, the Youth Commission of Lee County, to give a voice to the young people in our community. This community service based group gives our youth 14 to 19 years old, the opportunity to develope leadership skills, learn teamwork, meet government officials and community leaders, and help to improve the quality of life for young people and their families through collaborations, programs, events, and volunteering. Working around school work, extra curricular activities, and sometimes jobs, these dedicated teens meet twice a month to map out future plans. We are now working with our adult counterparts of the YSC, to plan a youth appreciation dinner and a youth mental health event. Since our youth members are from different parts of the county, we're looking for centralized meeting spaces to accommodate as many of our members as possible. The Fort Myers Regional Library was voted unanimously as the most preferred location.