Youth Author Visit and Art Lesson

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Arts & Crafts, Performances

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Program Description

Event Details

Join artist and author Carolyn Gora as she presents her book, "The Almost True Story of the Birds of Paradise." After the story, participants will receive a short art lesson. Supplies will be provided.  This program is open to patrons in grades K-5.

Copies of Ms. Gora's books will be available for purchase after the program.

This event is part of the 26th annual Southwest Florida Reading Festival, to be held on Saturday, March 1. For more information about the festival and its featured authors, visit

About the Artist/Author

Carolyn Gora, a St. Petersburg native, holds BA and MA degrees in Art Education from the University of South Florida. A distinguished educator since 1973, she retired in 2012 after earning accolades such as Lee County Golden Apple Teacher and Florida Middle School Art Teacher of the Year.

Currently, Carolyn serves as Secretary for the Alliance for the Arts and the Jewish Federation Board and is a Temple Beth El Board member. She is also a past Chair of the Fort Myers Public Art Committee.

An artist working in diverse mediums, Carolyn has exhibited locally and internationally. She is the author of two children’s books, The Almost True Story of the Birds of Paradise and The Birds of Paradise Visit a Fern Forest.




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