Homeschooler Knowledge Bowl

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Brief Description of Event

Show us what you've learned this year!

Pre-register at for this competitive event. Students will be divided into teams based on age (similar to our Field Day event) to participate in different academic competitions like a Geography Bowl, a Spelling Bee, a Literature Trivia Contest, and more. Participants will earn points for their team in each contest. There's no penalty for incorrect answers, and all participants will be encouraged to be supportive team members and just try their best!

One contest will be a Battle of the Books style trivia competition. Students should read (or have read to them) the following award-winning books based on age:
Ages 4-6: Watercress by Andrea Wang
Ages 7-9: Ways to Make Sunshine by René Watson
Ages 10+: The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera
All of these books have several copies available at the Lee County Library System, as well as digital and audio books available.