The History of Classical Music Told Through the Guitar

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Age Group:

Teens, Adults
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Program Description

Event Details

What makes music timeless? Why has it been an essential part of every culture throughout history, and what can it reveal about ourselves? Join us for a grand musical journey performed by Edwin Culver, starting with an ancient melody discovered beneath Grecian ruins and cheeky folk dances from the medieval era. Discover the mind-bending complexity of the Baroque period and the heart-wrenching melodies of the Romantic era. Then, explore where music is heading next with avant-garde sounds from the world wars and new compositions by Edwin Culver. By experiencing the whole story of music, you might just find a deeper understanding of your unique place in it.

About Performer:

Edwin J. Culver is a classical guitarist, composer, and music teacher in Sarasota, Florida. He performs recitals, delivers lectures, and composes original works of classical music. Culver hails from Flushing, Michigan, where he taught himself guitar at 16. He didn’t take formal lessons until attending Hillsdale College, where he studied under Larry Williams, Russell Nebelung, and Daniel Palmer. At Hillsdale, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance.



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