Chew and Chat's Event

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Brief Description of Event

Myrtle October presents a "Chew & Chat" discussion and Q&A about Transitioning from Incarceration.

Your contribution will benefit Threat to Thriving Inc. The purpose of this program is to prepare for the mass reentry of returning citizens. We are committed to assisting people who are released, reducing recidivism, and advocating for positive change in communities.

We are a resource that directly assists them from when they leave an incarceration facility to finishing the program. Threat to Thriving Inc. gives its members the freedom to choose a better path. The program gives members more options that support new developments in their life and helps them to remain free.

We desire to bridge the gap for the probation officers division which is overwhelmed with their caseloads of 175:1 for the average of 46% of releases including the Indigent Risk.

We intend to focus primarily on the 70% of low-risk defendants on supervision and the 22% who have unsuccessful rates of supervision completion. Region 4 Circuit 20: Lee County The average according to the annual 2019 report shows that on average one probation officer could have up to 200 cases at a time.